Tuesday, September 15, 2009

32 days to OCC Championships!

With only 32 days until the OCC Championships, the Eagles are showing great improvement from a year ago. This past weekend the Eagles ran at the Watkins Memorial Invitational finishing 11th out of 29 teams in the Varsity Division, 4th out of 29 in the Reserve Race, and 9th out of 20 in the Open Division. The varsity finished with a team time average of 17:30 (reserve: 18:38/Open: 20:08). For complete results including invididual times, please use the following link http://www.baumspage.com/cc/watkins/index.htm.

This week, the Junior Varsity will be competing at the Northridge Invitational on Wednesday September 16th with race time at 5:30 p.m. Students should report to the school by 3:45 with the bus leaving at 4:00 p.m. Any Varsity runner not running at this meet needs to report to practice at 2:45 p.m. The following individuals will be running at this meet:

Drew Rose
Andrew Ziminski
Willie Matt
Parker Jones
Ross Brubaker
Joydeep Ganguly
Thom Rousseau
Nathan Scribano
Joe Flaherty
David Stanislav
Clay Cooper
JP Lammers
DJ Inman
Trevor McInnes

Everyone will participating at the Central Ohio Invitational on Saturday 9/19/09. The bus will be leaving at 8:30, with the varsity race starting at 10:50 and the Open race starting at 11:20. The following runners will be running the varsity race on Saturday:

1. Blake Taneff
2. Alex Stanislav
3. Sebastian Matt
4. Kyle Manion
5. Austin Bach
6. Tom Newton
7. Kraig Manion

Any runner not running varsity will compete in the Open Race at 11:20.

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